If you are thinking of buying, you want a horse property that meets your specific needs...
and a real estate agent that understands them.
​When building the "wish list" for your perfect horse property, it's important to identify the amenities that are important to you. These could include:
Arenas that are big enough for patterns (dressage, barrels, hunter eq, etc.)
Facilities with alleys and chutes that can accommodate wet work/cattle (cutting, team roping, etc.)
Access to trails for pleasure riding
Barns suited for breeding operations (safe stallion facilities, vet labs, mare motels)
Pastures for turn outs, riding or cross country courses
Indoor arenas for staying legged-up when the snow flies
Working within your budget, we will dig into locations, available properties, and possible strategies to create the perfect property. What would it cost to add new fences or a barn? Could we add lights or chutes to an existing arena? Sometimes getting the perfect property takes a strategy, and I'm here to help with it all. We’ll use the available MLS systems in Colorado, but also my network of agents and specialized websites to get pre-notice of potential properties that may be “coming soon" or not listed in standard MLS databases.
Perfection takes time. I’ll cheerfully work as long as necessary until we find the property that meets all of your needs from a budgetary, family and equine perspective.